Moon It’s

Via Alloro, 74, Palermo, PA, Italia

Our project stems from the awareness of our skills, of knowing how to create and the desire to act also on the surrounding environment to build a world more to our extent.

But we do not want to stop here: it is not enough to create new objects, we also want to give new life to objects that have now finished their life cycle in the common mentality; in other words, we want to give new life to the so-called "munnizza", hence the name of our laboratory: "MOON IT'S". This name encloses all the logic that lies behind our creative project, because while reproducing in sound the word "munnizza", at the etymological level, reveals how garbage is "the Moon" for us ... something precious and beautiful. Furthermore, it is our will to create a mixture of genres, materials and styles that can fully represent the cultural versatility of our island and our craft tradition, not by chance the name of our shop has a Sicilian construct and meaning, of English words and a vaguely Arabic sound. We will resume old techniques but we will also act, with our presence, on the surrounding urban environment; an urban landscape that takes up its old vestiges and reevaluates itself through them, rediscovering its origins and thus its nature. The rebirth of the artisan workshop, which is a place of processing and production, and not only the sale of aseptic and standardized products, rediscovers, in fact, the ancient Sicilian and Palermo tradition of gathering the workers and production sites at the urban level, process that is being reproduced right now giving way to the long-awaited revaluation of the historical center. We are two artisans who want to regain possession of their ability to work, each with its specificity and its capabilities. There is William, painter and sculptor; Fabrizio will take care of the recycling and reuse of old furniture and disused objects. Naturally, we hope that sharing this space will also give rise to a sharing of knowledge and skills, so that, while each of us has its own unique characteristics, we will always strive to create new projects with which to integrate ourselves and build "our" way of being there.

I nostri artigiani
Moon It’s